Wednesday, October 17, 2012

autumn in new york

i had the best weekend. i got to experience my very first autumn in new york. a far cry from the hot, humid summer i had the last time. not to diss my uber fun summer adventure, but there's something about autumn that makes me love NYC even more!

it's like seeing the city for the first time all over again. the autumn breeze, sans the occasional wind, was nice and the colors are amazing. not to mention NYC fall fashion at it's best.

a bunch of other colleagues from Manila are here as well so, as my way of paying it forward (since my friends took me in their wings the last time), i took them out for a day in the city.

              overlooking the island of Manhattan            The Brooklyn Bridge seem to be more 
                  from Exchange Place Waterfront                             crowded in the fall
The Rockefeller Center already has the ice skating  set-up which added a Christmassy feel to it

                Times Square in an autumn night               Took a bite from the ever famous
                         was UH-mazing!                              Waffles and  Dinges which apparently
                                                                             won a throwdown against Bobby Flay                                                                                                                                           

NYPD in Times Square

and the highlight of my day would have to be this photo with New York City's finest. my friend and i were like giddy teenagers asking for a pose and the men in uniform we're both more than willing to oblige.

it was a tiring and eventful weekend indeed. we survived the city - the subway, the path trains and the glorious, vibrant all too colorful and chilly streets of New York.

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