Wednesday, January 20, 2010

because today is your birthday...

i will not lie. nor will i say things just to please or flatter you. so here goes...
you're the one who i turn to when shit happens. if i feel crappy or excited, you're the first person on my list. who would've thought that the day would come when you will become "my person". in a short span of time, you have become that. true, we've shared countless yosi breaks together but more than that, you have become my confidante, my cheerleader, my brusko in shining armor.
you say i'm spoiled and yet, you continue to spoil me.
you say i'm clumsy and yet, you don't get tired of being my walking stick.
you are brusko and yet, you allowed me to see how sensitive and caring you can be.
your joys are simple but your dreams are big and i admire you for that.
you are never afraid. you're not one to back down on any fight, be it your own or that of the ones you love.
you are probably the sweetest person i know. sans the occassional pang-aasar, you have the kindest of heart.
hindi ka malandi, misunderstood lang. probably because you have so much love to give that some people mistake you for playin the field.
you are what friends are supposed to be. ready to fight at any cost, at any time.
you are what dads are supposed to be. willing to give anything and everything just so your kids are well taken cared of now and in the future. everyone who knows you knows you will give up your life for your kids in an instant.
you give more than what is called for without asking nor expecting anything in return.
33 years ago today, God gave us a wonderful present. you are brilliant. you should know that. you have to believe that. never for a minute should you think otherwise.
thank you. i know you have my back.
happy birthday! life at work sucks less because you're here.
when i grow up, i want to meet and be with someone like you.
stop grinning!
spoiled and clumsy gemgem

1 comment:

sin fronteras said...

follow us ;) your blog is very nice XD

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