Wednesday, February 11, 2009


is an understatement.

i literally had to drag myself into the house this afternoon and i barely made it to bed.

working for 2 straight days is no easy task. especially when you're old-er my age. i love my job. i really do. i just wish there's more of me to go around. seriously.

so many work, so little time. now, if it were so many men, so little time, then it's worth losing sleep over. NOT! hehehe!


Frodo said...

Try 3 days in succession for good measure...

As for work, I don't need time. I need two more bodies! Have to be at different places simultaneously...

So many men? Thank God that is not the case. The lesser the competition the better for us unfortunate men hoping for a modicum of a chance to even get a better slice of the female pie.

gemma said...

hahaha female pie! you're a funny lil friend :)

Unknown said...

Yeah. I really wish there's really more time to do all the things one wants to do.

gemma said...

@don : but one can only do so much :D

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